The Advantages of Dot Trademark

Dot Trademark FAQs

The Legitimacy of Dot Trademark

The DTPC* consists of 20 members who are renowned experts and scholars in Intellectual Property (IP), domain name and dispute resolution from 9 jurisdictions, namely Mainland China, Hong Kong, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Korea.

*Click here to reach the offical website of DTPC


Silver Bauhinia Star
Former Director of the Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Former World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Panelist
Christopher TO
Christopher TO
Former Secretary-General, HKIAC and ADNDRC
Former Nomination Committee, ICANN
Former Chairman , HKIRC Independent Arbitrator Hong Kong

Moreover, Dot Trademark is approved by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and granted a full license* for domain registry operations within the P.R. China by The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

*Click here to read the full document

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